Laboratory: Groningen

BP: 4165 Std: 40

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: "from charred branches".

Feature Type: single grave Feature: Tumulus III.

Culture: Einzelgrabkultur Phase: n/a

Site: Vaassen Country Subdivision: Gelderland Country: Netherlands

Approved: true Right: public


The pre- and protohistory of the Netherlands in the terms of radiocarbon dates (Groningen1977).

Comment: Probenmaterial aus "(...) foundation trench around grave of 1st period of tumulus III (...)." Im Grab Streitaxt Typ P2 und Flintklinge. In sekundärer Lage Scherben eines Bechers Typ 1a und Beil aus Grünstein.

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