Laboratory: University of Lyon

BP: 4150 Std: 180

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: Knochenmaterial

Feature Type: single grave Feature: flatgrave of an adult woman (?) with an martime bellbeaker and pieces of flint as grave goods, according to BANADORA-DB: SEPULTURE (Grabstätte)

Culture: Glockenbecher Phase: Maritimer Typ

Site: Champs-sur-Yvonne Country Subdivision: Bourgogne Country: France

Approved: Right: public


Lanting, J.N. & Pflicht, J. van der: De 14 C-chronologie van de Nederlandse pre en protohistorie, III: Neolithicum. Palaeohistoria 41/42 (Groningen 1999/2000), 1 ff

Comment: according to BANADORA-DB: CHAMPS YONNE 89290 according to BANADORA-URL:

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