
Short CitationYearAuthorLong CitationURL 14C dates
1181-1200 / 1433 show all
Maroto et al. 19961996Maroto J. / Soler N. / Fullola J. M.Cul - tural change be tween Mid dle and Up per Paleolithic in Catalonia. In: E. Carbonell and M. Vaquero (eds.), The Last Neandertals, the First An a tom i cally Mod ern Hu mans: a Tale about the Hu man Di ver - sity. Cul tural Change and Hu man Rev o lu tion at 40 ka BP. Capellades, 210–250.0Show
haderslev museum3Show
Westergaard 199311Show
Anberg & Wattman 19941Show
Hernek 19985Show
Frödin 19068Show
Persson 20004Show
Jansson 19368Show
Århberg m fl 19961Show
Gustafsson 18862Show
Arnell m fl 19941Show
Johansson 20001Show
Bagge 1951Show
Bagge 19554Show
Gustafsson 19141Show
Schulze 19784Show
Meurers-Balke m fl 19851Show
Tauber 19602Show
Tauber 19661Show