
Short Citation YearAuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1341-1360 / 1433 show all
UV Uppsala rapport 19956Show
UV väst Rapport 19981Show
UV Väst rapport 19984Show
Valera 20132013A.C. Valera Cronologia dos recintos de fossos da Pré-História Recente em território português, Arqueologia em Portugal 150 anos. Actas do 1° congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses (Lisboa 2013) 335-343.12Show
Valera 2013a2013A. C. ValeraA. C. Valera, Recintos de fossos da Pré-História Recente em Portugal. Investigação, discursos, salvaguarda e divulgação. Al-Madan, 18, 2013, 93-110.1Show
Valera2014a2014António ValeraBela Vista 5. Um recinto do final do 3º milénio a.n.e. (Mombeja, Beja) (Lisboa 2014).
Valera20152015A. ValeraValera, A.C. (2015), "Social change in the late 3rd millennium BC in Portugal: The twilight of enclosures". In: H. Meller/R. Risch/R. Jung/H. W. Arz (eds.), 2200 BC – Ein Klimasturz als Ursache für den Zerfall der Alten Welt? 2200 BC – A climatic breakdown as a cause for the collapse of the old world?. 7. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 23. Bis 26. Oktober 2014 in Halle (Saale). 7th Archaeological Conference of Central Germany October 23-26, 2013 in Halle (Saale). Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle 13,1–2 (Halle [Saale].70Show
Valera et al. 2013 2013A.C. Valera, H. Becker, R. BoaventuraA.C. Valera, H. Becker, R. Boaventura, Moreiros 2, (Arronches, Portalegre): geofísica e cronologia dos recintos interiores. Apontamentos de Arqueologia e Património 9, 2013, 37-46
Valera et al. 20142014A. C. Valera/ H. Becker/ C. CostaOs recintos de fossos pré-históricos de Monte da Contenda (Arronches) e Montoito 2 (Redondo). Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras, 21 (2014) 355-377.28Show
Vankilde 19961996Vankilde, HelleFrom stone to bronze : the metalwork of the Late Neolithic and earliest Bronze Age in Denmark (Aarhus1996).51Show
Vaquero 20042004Vaquero, M.L’Abric Agut (Capellades, Anoia). In: M. Monells (Ed.), Actes de les Jornades d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia: Comarques de Barcelona 1996-2001: La Garriga, 29 i 30 de novembre i 1 de desembre de 2001 (Barcelona 2004). p. 67-74.1Show
Vaquero (Coord.) 20042004Vaquero, M. (Coord.) Els darrers caçadors-recol·lectors de la Conca de Barberà: el jaciment del Molí del Salt (Vimbodí). Excavacions 1999-2003, Montblanc, Publicacions del Museu-Arxiu de Montblanc i comarca 5.0Show
Vaquero et al. 20022002Vaquero, M. / Esteban, M. / Allué, E. / Valllverdú, J. / Carbonell, E. / Bischoff, J.L.Middle Palaeolithic Refugium, or Archaeological Misconception? A New U-series and Radiocarbon Chronology of Abric Agut (Capellades, Spain). Journal of archaeological science 29 / 9, 2002, 953-958.5Show
Vàzquez et al. 20062006Vàzquez, M.P. / Medina, J. / Gonzalez, J.-R. / Rodriguez, J. I.El jaciment de la serra del Calvari (La Granja d’Escarp, el Segrià, Lleida). Estat de la qüestió. In: Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 16, 2006. 63-110.0Show
Venturino-Gambari / Motella de Carlo 19951995M. Venturino-Gambari / S. Motella de CarloM. Venturino-Gambari / S. Motella de Carlo, Le datazioni radiometriche. In: M. Venturino-Gambari, Navigatori e contadini : Alba e la valle del Tanaro nella preistoria, Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte 4 (Alba 1995).6Show
Verbruggen 19921992Verbruggen, M.Geoarchaeological prospection of the Rommertsdonk. In: . Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 25 (1992) 117-128.2Show
Videyko 19991999Videyko, M YuRadiocarbon dating chronology of the Late Tripolye culture. Bultic-Pontic Studies 7, 1999.0Show
Videyko 20032003M. VideykoM. Videyko, Interrelations of Tripolian communities in the Dnieper region with forest-steppe cultures of Dnieper-Dniester region, In: V. Shevchuk (ed.), Scientific Proceedings on Ukrainian History 14, 32-42.0Show
Videyko 20052005M. VideykoM. Videyko, Absolute chronology of Tripolian culture settlements at the BII and CI stages in the Middle Dneirper region, In: V. Otroshchenko (ed.), In honor of Sofia Stanislavovna Berezanska (kiev 2005) 52 - 65.0Show
Videyko/Petrenko 20032003M. Petrenko and M. VideykoM. Petrenko/M. Videyko, Radiocarbon chronology of complexes of the northern Pontic region, a preliminary report, Baltic-Pontic Studies 12, 2003, 113-120.0Show